Fred at the Freedom Tunnel
Years ago, my friend Emmanuel Rosario, also a photographer, told me about this place he loved to take photos at, in Harlem called the Freedom Tunnel. It is a literally a tunnel for the amtrak train to go through under the Riverside Park.
The tunnel is covered in Graffitis, including those of Chris “Freedom” Pape, who rumor is, gave his name to the tunnel. Other rumors mention the fact that homeless people living in that tunnel rent free are the reason why it is called like that. But i digress… The tunnel has been the location for many photo-shoots, therefore, when Fred Clavel visited New York City from Iowa, we decided that this was the place to have a fun photo-shoot.
It took us a while to find the place as the instructions weren’t really clear.. but once there, it was indeed a great location for photos. I have always thought of train tracks as a great set for photos, and I have shot several times on them… but always outside in bright daylight, or in train stations… never in an actual tunnel.. and if the place was visually stimulating, I was a bit nervous about disturbing anyone or anything as several mattresses were laying around… But we took the photos and everything was smooth and beautiful. I need to mention that Fred has been a friend of mine for years, so of course it was fun and comfortable. Fred is always very comfortable in front of the camera, and even though it was really cold, one could never tell from the photos…
Enjoy a few of them here: